The word of the week is Wiggle…So what comes to mind?
Well, when I was a kid we would drive to my grandparents house in Cleveland. It wasn't a long drive, although when you're 10 or 12 it felt longer than the actual half hour or so that it was. On one of these drives I decided to let my pencil wiggle about my paper on the drive home, just to amuse myself I guess. I remember just relaxing the pencil on the paper and letting the road do the drawing. It looked something like this
Well, when I was a kid we would drive to my grandparents house in Cleveland. It wasn't a long drive, although when you're 10 or 12 it felt longer than the actual half hour or so that it was. On one of these drives I decided to let my pencil wiggle about my paper on the drive home, just to amuse myself I guess. I remember just relaxing the pencil on the paper and letting the road do the drawing. It looked something like this
It was more jaggedy than wiggly. Looking back I think it was an experiment in self control--could I keep the pencil on the paper the whole way home? And also the curiosity to see the final outcome. Nerdy artist even back then.
As I think about this word, and look over my art, it seems that my art is just filled with wiggles…
I have wiggly castles, and wiggly trees.
...and more wiggly trees, along with strange rooster creatures and wiggly haired cave women.
And here is one of my favorite wiggles, this cute little snake basking in the sun. I could go on and on with my wiggle art.
Doing fun kids art makes me happy. I go into a zone that I really like. It brings memories back of days that felt lighter and simpler. Days when you would play outside with friends until the street lights would come on. Days of chalk on sidewalk, or whirling finger paint onto large sheets of paper, just for the joy of how it felt and the colors it made. Warm summer nights filled with catching lightning bugs, or piling into a station wagon to go to the drive-in-movie.
...Or times when you did funny things, like holding your pencil to your paper for an entire car ride just because.
As I think about this word, and look over my art, it seems that my art is just filled with wiggles…
I have wiggly castles, and wiggly trees.
...and more wiggly trees, along with strange rooster creatures and wiggly haired cave women.
And here is one of my favorite wiggles, this cute little snake basking in the sun. I could go on and on with my wiggle art.
Doing fun kids art makes me happy. I go into a zone that I really like. It brings memories back of days that felt lighter and simpler. Days when you would play outside with friends until the street lights would come on. Days of chalk on sidewalk, or whirling finger paint onto large sheets of paper, just for the joy of how it felt and the colors it made. Warm summer nights filled with catching lightning bugs, or piling into a station wagon to go to the drive-in-movie.
...Or times when you did funny things, like holding your pencil to your paper for an entire car ride just because.
Your car drawing looks like a US map to me. The angles probably came from all the potholes.